eLank is an abbreviation of three components. First "e" is for electronics. Second "La" for land and third "nk" for the bank.
So it's the “Land-Bank” which would operate electronically. It also owns the TradeMark No. 4546240 Date 26/06/2020 J. No. 1964. Which is
Certified via Certificate No.: 2632786 that Trade Mark eLank, has been registered in the name(s) of AJAY SAXENA, B39; Sector 29; Agroli Belapur Navi Mumbai 400614 Maharashtra, (Single Firm) In Class 36 Under No. 4546240 as of the date 26 June 2020 in respect of: Services of credit institutions other than banks such as individual financial companies, lenders, Services of “investment trusts,” of holding companies, Services of brokers dealing in shares, property and private equity, Services connected with monetary affairs vouched for by trustees, Actuarial services, Financial Analysis, Antique appraisal, Debt collection agencies, Factoring, Fiduciary, Financial consultancy, Financial evaluation [insurance, real estate], Financial information, Financial management, Financial sponsorship, Financing services, Fire insurance underwriting, Fiscal assessments, Guarantees, Health insurance underwriting, Hire-purchase financing, Housing agents, Lease-purchase financing, Leasing of farms, Leasing of real estate, Loans [financing], Numismatic appraisal, Organization of collections, Pawn brokerage, Real estate management, Rent collection and disbursement, Rental of offices [real estate], Retirement payment services, Securities brokerage, Sponsorship, Stamp appraisal, Surety services, Trusteeship, Deposit of Valuables, Fiscal Valuations on this 17th day of February, 2021
To move forward in this direction, we have to conceptualize an economic way along with collaboration with other startups for real cash flow from our countrywide operation.